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Dream it
Build it
Grow it
Dream it • Build it • Grow it •
Our team is comprised of leaders in data, AI, product design, and marketing innovation.
We have a proven track record of dominating sales and building teams, and our clients & partners truly love us.
We need financial support for our next phase.
track record
⚡️ We did $7mm in Sales last year in equipment and have a proven business model for scaling and generating revenue.
⚡️The market is $300 Million for in-store ad spend and we are on track to 2x that by 2027!
⚡️ Our Network is our true Net Worth. We have decades of experience in retail, advertising, and media.
⚡️ Our tech leverages machine learning AI and relationships with industry partners to offer open integration for DooH, Retail Media Networks, POS, and various scenarios without a rip and replace.