2. Hyper-Targeted Advertising

Highly Buzzed Media goes beyond static advertising by delivering dynamic, hyper-targeted content that matches the specific profile of each customer. Quividi’s AI-driven platform helps advertisers display ads based on key demographic data, such as age and gender, or even current weather conditions or time of day, ensuring content is always relevant.

Example: In a high-traffic grocery store, the platform detects that the majority of shoppers entering the store during the lunch hour are working professionals between the ages of 25 and 45. Based on this data, the store switches its ad content to promote ready-made meals, snacks, and beverages that appeal to this demographic. During colder months, the system shifts the ads to focus on warm, hearty soups, while summer weather prompts promotions for lighter fare and iced drinks. By aligning ad content with the shopper profile and season, the grocery store increases conversion rates, while brands benefit from higher product visibility.